IMAX's 2016 Catalog Catalog

236 IMAX Corporation
A 73387 Dayo horse bust. (17h x 5w x 15.5) 013950051587
B 14239-3 Maison mini pots. Set of 3. (5.5-6.75-7.75h x 5-5.75-6.5d) 011150091539
C 2631 Black mantel clock. (8.5h x 15w x 2.75) 032650061431
D 84256-2 Patterson aluminum trays. Set of 2. (15.75-19.25d) 019800061456
E 20218 Mendoza ombre vase. (20.5h x 11d) 017400041518

Carriage House
F 96303-3 Brightly glass bottles with stoppers. Set of 3. (8.5-11-14h x 3.75-4-4.25d) 024450061403
G 44246-2 Tarson copper-plated trays. Set of 2. (18.25-20d) 015400041546
H 87649-3 Jordan studded boxes. Set of 3. (8.25-7-5.75h x 17-15-13w x 10-8.5-6.75) 017400061449 40
I Darby lanterns. Pillar candles. 14246 Large (11.25h x 9d) 011750091546 14247 Small (9.5h x 8.75d) 011500091547 J 81687 Ramona Cross Candleholder. Pillar candles. (28h x 14w x 7) 015900111587 K 60657-3 Mercury glass globes. Set of 3. Pillar candles. (8.75-10.25- 15h x 6.25-6.75-9.75d) 017450111557
To order call 1-800-882-4629 237